Weight Management

Some statistics show that more than 8 out of every 10 people (and sometimes even more) who lose weight will gain it back within 5 years. Some studies have shown that this yo-yo weight loss increases the risks of developing high blood pressure, high cholesterol, gallbladder disease, diabetes, depression, heart disease, and cancer. 

It is believed that weight cycling is most common in people who follow very restrictive diets in order to lose weight. Another reason that it is difficult to keep weight off is because of a metabolic compensation for weight loss—the less you weigh, the less food you can eat if you want to maintain your weight.

Putting an end to Weight Cycling

These tips may help:

  • Think of it as a permanent change in your life, rather than as a diet.
  • Make sure that your weight loss goals are reasonable and that you believe you are able to maintain them for the long haul—a loss of just 5%-10% of body weight can have a huge impact on your health.
  • Focus on making small changes, rather than saying, “I am going to eat completely differently.”
  • Seek treatment if you are a binge eater—weight cycling is more common in binge eaters.
  • Support and supervision appear as a key to weight loss.
  • Many online diet support programs also are effective.
  • Learn healthful ways to avoid emotional eating.
  • Exercise regularly to help build muscle, burn calories, stop cravings, and increase “feel good” endorphins.
  • Keep a food journal—many people are amazed by how much all of the little “bites” add up to by the end of the day.

We strive to utilize the non diet approach which maintains that the body will attain its natural weight if the individual eats healthfully, becomes attuned to hunger and fullness cues, and incorporates physical activity.  This approach focuses on achieving health rather than attaining a certain weight.

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